19:04:10 From Ranell Hansen to Bonnie(Direct Message): We’re about to start Bonnie so can you guys mute 19:05:05 From Ranell Hansen to Bonnie(Direct Message): Can you hear us now? 19:11:37 From Rosana & Arla to Everyone: This is absolutely fantastic! I feel like I'm really there. 19:12:07 From Karen Barksdale to Everyone: Ditto. I love this!!!!! 19:15:20 From Bonnie to Everyone: jenniferthrive@hotmail.com 19:16:14 From Patty Latourell to Everyone: This is great! 19:16:34 From Bonnie to Ranell Hansen(Direct Message): rpeat question 19:18:40 From Judy Lucas to Everyone: This is great. Thank you for setting it up. I 19:22:21 From Eileen Lewandowski to Everyone: I agree..this is excellent...thanks so much to the Board and Committee for doing this.... 19:22:59 From Ranell Hansen to Bonnie(Direct Message): yes 19:23:11 From Ranell Hansen to Bonnie(Direct Message): yes we can hear you loud and clear 19:26:02 From Ranell Hansen to Bonnie(Direct Message): not yet 19:26:13 From Ranell Hansen to Bonnie(Direct Message): yes 19:29:07 From Ranell Hansen to Bonnie(Direct Message): Great job selling those workshops! (This is Mary) I love that you showed multiple options to get people inspired. 19:30:31 From AudioVisual to Everyone: https://www.coastalquilters.org/program.html 19:31:37 From Bonnie to Everyone: zoom@coastalquilters.org 19:31:47 From Gail Tinsley to Everyone: Would it be possible to raise the volume, please? My device is turned all the way up, but it's hard to hear what some people are saying. Thanks. 19:32:51 From Bonnie to Everyone: Gail, sound is up and I can hear loud and clear. If anyone else is having sound issues, let me know. 19:34:07 From Bonnie to Ranell Hansen(Direct Message): Thanks, Mary 19:34:46 From Bonnie to Everyone: love it 19:35:51 From Bonnie to Everyone: Wow, Bee! 19:36:22 From Victoria Davis to Everyone: My cat Owen really likes this one! 19:41:22 From Victoria Davis to Everyone: This is really wonderful for those of us who are far away (Davis, CA). 20:03:32 From Eileen Lewandowski to Everyone: Thank you Darilyn..lots of good ideas! 20:03:34 From Victoria Davis to Everyone: Really fun! 20:13:41 From Eileen Lewandowski to Everyone: Well done Mary!! 20:17:02 From AudioVisual to Everyone: https://www.bing.com/search?q=hot+fix+applicator&cvid=ca80e4eaf59740faad1bfd7700d2d2d5&aqs=edge.6.69i57j0l8.9436j0j1&pglt=41&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=DCTS 20:19:45 From Bonnie to Everyone: Super job leeading the meeting, Bee. Great job as well to Darilyn and Mary!! 20:20:43 From Paige Moore to Everyone: Nice job everyone. :) 20:21:39 From Karen Barksdale to Everyone: I loved tonight. I would be happy to attend. 20:26:03 From Ginny Rojas to Everyone: So glad I can still be a remote member. But I missed the pets and kids 20:26:15 From Dianne Rockwell to Everyone: Fantastic meeting! Very intesting, easy to follow. Loved being able to attend via Zoom. Great success. Would love to attend all of the meetings using this hybrid method. Could hear and see everything beautifully. Oh yes, and I also love not driving in the dark and cold of winter. It was very easy to make notes on Darilyns 20:31:22 From Eileen Lewandowski to Everyone: If you're going to speak remember to raise your hand in the chat so you're highlighted in the view making you easy to find. 20:32:59 From Eileen Lewandowski to Everyone: Recommendation for show and tell live individuals: Please introduce themselves before they present their quilts.